Of Mice and Men Resources


Best of the Web? If We Do Say So Ourselves.

Check out Shmoop's nifty collection of depressing images from the Great Depression.

Stand Back, Steinbeck

Martha Heasley Cox has you covered, at the Center for Steinbeck Studies.

Planning a California Vacation?

Stop by the National Steinbeck Center in Salina, California.

Movie or TV Productions

Hey, Mae

You can't get much closer to the source than this 1939 production—and Curley's wife even gets a name.

Made for TV

With Robert Blake and Randy Quaid.

Star Power

John Malkovich and Gary Sinise… do we need to say more? Why aren't you watching it right now?


"A Strange Little Book"

Check out this nifty review of the first stage production in Life.

Get Out Your Pen

Or your pencil, if you're feeling unsure: here's an entire Steinbeck crossword puzzle.

Wee Beastie

Read Robert Burns' entire "To a Mouse" here, with some helpful links for the tricky dialect. Like "daimen-icker."

Black and White

Check out this neat Japanese graphic novel based on Of Mice and Men.


Clear Your Schedule

It's not like you have anything better to do with the next 1:46:23 minutes than watch the full-length 1939 adaptation. Right?

Lieutenant Dan!

Gary Sinise just can't catch a break. Here he is in the trailer for the 1992 movie, two years before losing his legs in 1994's Forrest Gump.

Get Out the Hankies

George shoots Lennie. (Oops, did we spoil it?)


Sean Connery Style

Listen to a real Scotsman read Robert Burns' "To a Mouse." (We recommend reading along.)

Rest Your Eyes

And listen to this nifty, full-length audiobook.


Ostrich Feathers and All

Curley's wife is wearing her finest in this poster for the 1939 movie.

Author of Tortilla Flat

Here's a nice, minimalist book cover from the first edition.