Orlando Quotes

Find the perfect quote to float your boat. Shmoop breaks down key quotations from Orlando.

Identity Quotes

He--for there could be no doubt of his sex, though the fashion of the time did something to disguise it--was in the act of slicing at the head of a Moor which swung from the rafters. (1.1)

Life, Creation, and Existence Quotes

Thus, those who like symbols, and have a turn for the deciphering of them, might observe that though the shapely legs, the handsome body, and the well-set shoulders were all of them decorated with...

Memory and the Past Quotes

Orlando's fathers had ridden in fields of asphodel, and stony fields, and fields watered by strange rivers, and they had struck many heads of many colours off many shoulders, and brought them back...

Society and Class Quotes

It was Orlando's fault perhaps; yet, after all, are we to blame Orlando? The age was the Elizabethan; their morals were not ours; nor their poets; nor their climate; nor their vegetables even. Ever...

Gender Quotes

Orlando, to look at, was cut out precisely for some such career. The red of the cheeks was covered with peach down; the down on the lips was only a little thicker than the down on the cheeks. The l...

Literature and Writing Quotes

Soon he had covered ten pages and more with poetry. He was fluent, evidently, but he was abstract. Vice, Crime, Misery were the personages of his drama; there were Kings and Queens of impossible te...

Time Quotes

All his senses were bent upon gazing along the cobbled pathway--gleaming in the light of the lantern--for Sasha's coming. Sometimes, in the darkness, he seemed to see her wrapped about with rain st...

Love Quotes

He sighed profoundly, and flung himself--there was a passion in his movements which deserves the word--on the earth at the foot of the oak tree. He loved, beneath all this summer transiency, to fee...

Marriage Quotes

To take them in order; Clorinda was a sweet-mannered gentle lady enough;--indeed Orlando was greatly taken with her for six months and a half; but she had white eyelashes and could not bear the sig...

Man and the Natural World Quotes

He was describing, as all young poets are for ever describing, nature, and in order to match the shade of green precisely he looked (and here he showed more audacity than most) at the thing itself,...