Perfect Chapter 45 Summary


  • Cara had to come out to her parents in order to file a police report against Sean. Dani convinced her that the best way to deal with the situation was to admit it happened.
  • Her parents were in her dad's office writing a letter when she told them.
  • Her mom told her it was probably just "experimentation" and that she shouldn't let her feelings for girls get in the way of a "normal" relationship.
  • She also told Cara to let the pictures (and the rape) go, because if she told, their reputation would be ruined. Gee, thanks, Mom.
  • Her dad supported her, however. He called a friend on the police force to take the report.
  • She snuck into his office after her parents went to bed and read the letter they wrote. It was to Conner, telling him to stay on track for graduation, because they've applied to colleges for him.
  • Cara knows that if she hadn't met Dani, she'd still be trying to please her parents, just like Conner's being pressured to do.
  • She gets an anonymous text telling her to stop ruining Sean's life—after all, he's going to Stanford in the fall.