Perfect Resources


Ellen Hopkins's Author Site

What's she writing next? Find out here.

Ellen Hopkins's Twitter Feed

The author tweets lots of pictures of her travels, as well as the occasional funny video.


Ellen Hopkins on Channeling the Teen Voice

How does an adult write from the point of view of a teenager? Hopkins discusses it with Women on Writing.

Goodreads Reader Interviews

Hopkins answers reader questions, particularly about her new adult novel, Triangles.


Hopkins Author Interview

Here's a down-and-dirty (no pun intended) overview of Hopkins's work, courtesy of Simon and Schuster.

Hopkins Talks About Perfect

The narrators' issues came from letters she receives from teens. Aw… She really does listen to her readers.


Sean Speaks (No, Wait, Let Him)

Aaron Tveit, the star of the Broadway show Catch Me If You Can, narrates Sean's sections in the Perfect audiobook. Here's a sample.

A Few Words from Andre

The Wire and 90210 star Tristan Wilds takes on the audiobook version of Andre.

Kendra Tells Us What She Sees in the Mirror

Aya Cash of Traffic Light and Mercy fame narrates Kendra in the audiobook.

Last But Not Least, Here's Cara

Boardwalk Empire's Heather Lind gives us the audiobook version of Cara.


What Does Hopkins Think of Her Readers?

Check out this autographed copy of Perfect.

Say It With Ink

Here's a reader tattoo of the last line of Perfect.

Go, Grizzlies

Galena High School, which Cara, Kendra, and Sean attend, is a real place. This is their mascot.