The Plague Truth Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Part.Chapter.Paragraph). We used Stuart Gilbert's translation.

Quote #7

Rieux replied that these conditions were not good. But, before he said any more, he wanted to know if the journalist would be allowed to tell the truth. (1.2.44)

Here is yet another hint that Rieux is the narrator; they share the same obsession for journalistic truth.

Quote #8

He had put the question solely to find out if Rambert could or couldn’t state the facts without paltering with the truth.

"I’ve no use for statements in which something is kept back," he added. "That’s why I shall not furnish information in support of yours.

The journalist smiled. "You talk the language of Saint-Just." (1.2.48-49)

Rambert mocks Rieux’s passion for objectivity and truth as idealistic.

Quote #9

To tell the truth, he was rather perturbed; did the doctor think it meant anything serious? Rieux couldn’t give a definite opinion. (1.2.67)

Rieux is always ready to admit when he doesn’t know something. The narrator eventually says that the worst kind of ignorance is that of a man who thinks he knows everything and is therefore closed to learning. This, at least, is one vice Rieux could never be accused of.