Psychoanalysis Texts - Moses and Monotheism by Sigmund Freud (1939)

Freud's last book spins a great yarn involving the founding of monotheistic religion. There are lots of twists and turns, and there's some very amateurish archaeology. So be prepared.

Oh, and here's a little spoiler to get you hooked: Moses, Freud says, didn't just walk like an Egyptian. He actually was an Egyptian.

Now let's unpack this text a little bit, shall we?

  1. Why might Freud have turned to religion at the end of his life? Does his interest in religion seem consonant with or different from his interest in literature?
  2. If you were to make Moses and Monotheism into a movie, who would you cast to play Moses? What about the other roles? Who would compose the music? What genre would the movie belong to: Biblical epic (like Ben Hur or Mel Gibson's The Passion of the Christ)? Western? Murder mystery? Go nuts thinking about a screen adaptation for the book. Go ahead, it's okay. Then ask yourself whether this exercise changed your understanding of Freud's text.