Pulp Fiction Loyalty Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Pulp Fiction.

Quote #4

VINCENT: I got a chick, she's f***in' ODing on me.

LANCE: Well don't bring her here! I'm not even f***in' joking with you, don't you be bringing some f***ed up pooh-butt to my house!

VINCENT: No choice. […]

LANCE: Are, are you talking to me on a cellular phone? I don't know you, who is this, don't come here. Prank caller! Prank caller!

Well, so much for Lance being Vincent's buddy. What happened to the discount prices and the "mi casa, su casa" talk? We guess Lance's loyalty goes out the window when danger's involved. Vincent has to remind Lance that Marsellus would be extremely unhappy to know that Lance didn't help his wife.

Quote #5

CAPTAIN KOONS: Your granddad was facing death and he knew it. None of those boys had any illusions about ever leavin' that island alive. So three days before the Japanese took the island, your 22-year old grandfather asked a gunner on an Air Force transport named Winocki, a man he had never met before in his life, to deliver to his infant son, who he had never seen in the flesh, his gold watch. Three days later, your grandfather was dead. But Winocki kept his word. After the war was over, he paid a visit to your grandmother, delivering to your infant father, his Dad's gold watch

We see here how loyalty codes in the military are like the ones among the gangsters. It's not as if Dane, Butch's grandfather, would have known whether Winocki delivered; he was dead either way. But it's the loyalty principle that counts and now Butch, for better or for worse, is left with the heirloom. Some people have suggested that that maybe Butch remembered this story of loyalty and that's what made him decide to rescue Marsellus