Memory and the Past Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"But what does it mean, anyway, that my father was a pigeon-toed quarterback if I don't remember him? What is a beautiful mother worth if you can't see her face in your head? (1.24)

If you can't remember something, did it really happen? If a tree falls alone in a forest, does it make a noise?

Quote #2

"I don't remember. I was a kid." But Partridge remembers blue pills. (2.62)

Remembering certain snippets can sometimes be all you need to form a memory. And sometimes those snippets form the most important part of the memory.

Quote #3

"We have to remember what we don't want to," he tells them. (5.27)

Repressing something from your memory is nearly impossible, which is why Bradwell's proclamation here is powerful. He's basically saying that what doesn't kill us makes us stronger.