Sacrifice Quotes in Pure

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Partridge isn't so sure—to be in a cage or set loose into this world? This is a question that he should be able to answer. Does some part of him wish he were back in the Dome? (26.40)

You know, Partridge sacrificed a whole lot to escape the Dome. He had a pretty sweet lifestyle in the Dome: he had a pretty date to the dance, sanitation, and a nice roommate. Going outside the Dome was a pretty big risk.

Quote #2

"If you want to find your mother, you will need our help. The matter is whether or not you're willing to sacrifice for your goal." (37.66)

Would you give up a pinky to find your lost mother? Partridge would.

Quote #3

"I was," he says again. "And now I'm not." (46.36)

It's interesting to think about Sedge as a human in this book: he suffers just as much as other characters. Especially because he had to sacrifice his human life to be a special forces creature.