Purgatorio Pride Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Canto, Line). We used Allen Mandelbaum's translation.

Quote #7

And through the incandescent air there ran
sweet melody; at which, just indignation
made me rebuke the arrogance of Eve
because, where earth and heaven were obedient,
a solitary woman, just created,
found any veil at all beyond endurance;
if she had been devout beneath her veil,
I should have savored those ineffable
delights before, and for a longer time. (Purg. XXIX, 22-30)

In the Earthly Paradise, Dante reproaches the first woman, Eve, for scorning God’s warning and overreaching her bounds by tasting of the fruit from the Tree of Knowledge. Dante sounds personally offended by her transgression; he is spiteful at being robbed of “savor[ing] those ineffable delights” because of her. This also establishes Dante as somewhat proud, for he assumes that he is virtuous enough to deserve to live in Eden.

Quote #8

[Beatrice]: “Dante, though Virgil’s leaving you, do not
yet weep…
(I’d turned around when I had heard my name –
which, of necessity, I transcribe here)…(Purg. XXX, 55-63)

After the only mention of his own name in the entire Divine Comedy, Dante hastens to apologize for naming himself. Instead of devaluing the importance of his name, however, his bashfulness only seems to heighten its importance, thereby increase Dante’s fame.

Quote #9

[Beatrice]: “Nevertheless, that you may feel more shame
for your mistake, and that – in time to come –
hearing the Sirens, you may be more strong,
have done with all the tears you sowed, and listen:
so shall you hear how, unto other ends,
my buried flesh should have directed you.” (Purg. XXXI, 37-48)

Beatrice has no qualms about stating outright that she is here to humiliate Dante, so that when future temptations (“Sirens”) come, he "may be more strong.” She wants him to “feel more shame” at his sins, so that he will not commit the sin of pride again.