Rainbows End Characters

Meet the Cast

Robert Gu

If we had to describe Robert Gu when we first meet him in three words, we'd say "old," "poet," and "jerk." But at the end of the book, we're not so sure. Let's take it one-by-one:Old Man GuRobert i...

Alfred Vaz

Schemer DreamerAll Alfred Vaz needs is a white cat to stroke and a volcano lair and he'd be a Bond villain. Oh, sure he has good intentions: he's only developing mind control technology in order to...

Rabbit / The Mysterious Stranger

Rabbit is kind of like the internet itself: a little childish, very clever, interested in the next big thing, and very interested in finding out secrets. Maybe that's why we suspect Rabbit is actua...

Miri Gu

The Apple Doesn't Fall Far From The Jerk TreeIf we had to make a list of Rainbows End characters from most jerky to least jerky, #1 would definitely be Robert, but #2 would be Miri Gu. Sure, Alfred...

Juan Orozco

Confession time: We often want to be as smart and confident as Miri Gu, but some days we can only manage being Juan Orozco. Not that being Juan is all that bad: he's at least up-to-date with all th...

Alice (Gong) Gu and Bob (Robert Jr.) Gu

The secret to having a confident 13-year old like Miri is to be like Bob and Alice: loving, protective, and with access to weapons of mass destruction. Alice and Bob share many traits, but the two...

Lena (Llewelyn) Gu

No joke: Lena (Llewelyn) Gu is a therapist who might need some therapy. We diagnose her as Robert Gu-phobic. Lena is Robert's ex-wife who dislikes him so much that she faked her own death (sort of)...

Xiu Xiang

Old Engineer with New TechIf you need something built to break something else, call Xiu Xiang. Like Robert, Xiu Xiang is an old person who has been given new life by medical technology. She used to...

Dean Winston Blount

Winston (or Winnie as his enemies call him) is an old man who hasn't really learned much. Unlike Robert (who used to be good at poetry) or Xiu Xiang (who is good with technology), Winston doesn't r...

Thomas Parker

Thomas (Tommie) Parker is that saddest form of techie: a guy who still thinks his old way is best. ("No, really, man, that Blu-Ray isn't as good as my awesome Laser Disc.") Tommie Parker used to be...

Carlos Rivera

Carlos Rivera sticks out from the Elder Cabal in a few ways: he's not so elder; he's actually a librarian who works for the school; and he sometimes slips into speaking Mandarin. Because he's young...

Günberk Braun and Keiko Mitsuri

Günberk Braun and Keiko Mitsuri are excellent examples of how you can be an intelligence agent and still make extremely unintelligent mistakes. Günberk Braun is an intelligence agent for the EU I...

Zulfikar Sharif

Aww, poor graduate student. Although, according to Tina Fey, he deserves what he gets. Here's the lesson from Zulfikar Sharif: do not download or open email attachments from people you do not know....

Louise Chumlig

Louise Chumlig is a freakin' rockstar. Okay, she may not look it or sound it. And she sure doesn't get the respect and reputation she deserves: Juan notes that she used to teach at the smart school...