Rainbows End Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Rainbows End? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Who discovers that there might be an YGBM weapon?

Alfred Vaz
Keiko Mitsuri
Günberk Braun
A computerized car
Q. Keiko Mitsuri looks like what at the first meeting with Rabbit?

"Marcel Duchamp's nude"
"Marcel Duchamp's readymade"
A secret agent
A Japanese woman
Q. Alfred Vaz goes to San Diego and pretends to be…

Zulfikar Sharif
An exchange student
A Bollywood executive
Q. Alfred Vaz tries to distract the Gus with…

Threats against Juan's life
Q. In the first test of the YGBM tech, what product gets sold?

A box of chocolates
Honeyed nougat
Sagrada Familia tours