The Red Badge of Courage Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

"Well, don't we fight like the devil? Don't we do all that men can?" demanded the youth loudly (16.14).

Henry makes up for his internal insecurities by overcompensating externally. It’s kind of like trash-talking when you don’t have the skills to back it up. (Lessons learned from the basketball court, volume one.)

Quote #8

It was perhaps that they dreaded to be killed in insignificant ways after the times for proper military deaths had passed (21.3).

Henry ascribes his value set to the other soldiers: pride before safety. He imagines their reasons for hurrying as related to honor, not to self-preservation.

Quote #9

They speedily forgot many things. The past held no pictures of error and disappointment. They were very happy, and their hearts swelled with grateful affection for the colonel and the youthful lieutenant (21.41).

This is Henry and Wilson’s shared reaction to the officer’s claim that they should both be major-generals. Reputation is so important to Henry that it can erase any guilt he’s felt in the past.