Richard III Family Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Scene.Line). Line numbers correspond to the Norton edition.

Quote #10

No, uncle; but our crosses on the way
Have made it tedious, wearisome, and heavy.
I want more uncles here to welcome me.
Sweet Prince, the untainted virtue of your years
Hath not yet div'd into the world's deceit;
Nor more can you distinguish of a man
Than of his outward show; which, God He knows,
Seldom or never jumpeth with the heart.
Those uncles which you want were dangerous;
Your Grace attended to their sug'red words
But look'd not on the poison of their hearts.
God keep you from them and from such false friends!
God keep me from false friends! but they were
My lord, the Mayor of London comes to greet
you. (3.1.1)

Richard is making a clear grab at the prince's affections here. He appeals to young Prince Edward not as a loving uncle, but as one wise enough to protect him. Richard argues to the boy (by talking about his false uncles) that just because people are family doesn't mean they can be trusted. (Richard would know something about this, wouldn't he?) Ironically, it seems that Richard's suggestion that the prince's other uncles are false may be the very thing that clues Prince Edward in to Richard's treachery.