The Road Not Taken Exploration Quotes

How we cite our quotes: line

Quote #1

Two roads diverged in a yellow wood (1)

From the get go, we know that our speaker is out in the woods, which makes him a bit of an explorer. We'll find out as the poem goes on that he's out here without a map, and doesn't have a plan of which roads to take. He's just out on the road, seeing where his feet take him. The lack of a map makes this walk in the road a little more like real life – we have no laid out plan, but just make turns as they come to us.

Quote #2

And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood (2-3)

Our suspicions that our speaker is the adventurous type are confirmed by these lines. He's so adventurous that he wishes to take every path. We think that if cloning were possible, this guy would totally opt to become more than one traveler, cloning himself so he could take both paths.

Quote #3

And having perhaps the better claim,
Because it was grassy and wanted wear (7-8)

Now we know that our speaker is out in the woods without a map, and wishes that he could take every path. After he's thought about his choice for a while, he decides to take the path that no one else seems to have taken. We think that if we were out in the woods without a map, we'd want to go where everyone else went because it'd be the most likely to get us where we want to go. But our speaker is so adventurous that he wants nothing to do with places other people have gone.