Rocky Respect and Reputation Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from Rocky.

Quote #4

ROCKY: Like I'm a plate of leftovers.

Rocky doesn't have a good reputation among the ladies, either. Adrian treats him like he's dog food… and she knows dog food, because she works in a pet store.

Quote #5

ROCKY: After a while, you get a reputation. That's it. You get no respect, you understand?

Rocky does his best Rodney Dangerfield impression.

Quote #6

ROCKY: You don't really have to be one. You just act like one, and that's it—boom! Bing!

Rocky is telling neighborhood girl Marie not to be a "whore," but the same advice could be applied to Rocky. No, he's not a whore. But he doesn't have to be a heavyweight champion, he just has to act like one. Boom! Bing!