Saint Joan Power Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Scene.Line). Every time a character talks counts as one line, even if what they say turns into a long monologue.

Quote #7

THE ARCHBISHOP: "The voice of God on earth is the voice of the Church Militant; and all the voices that come to you are the echoes of your own wilfulness." (5.98)

Even though the Archbishop has been on Joan's side, he is still disturbed by the way she's disrupting the Church's power.

Quote #8

CAUCHON: "If the Church lets her go, woe to the man, were he the Emperor himself, who dares lay a finger on her! The Church is not subject to political necessity, my lord." (6.32)

Is this empty posturing? Is the Church actually powerful enough to stop the English from burning Joan anyway?

Quote #9

THE INQUISITOR: "All secular power makes men scoundrels. […] Our own nobles are just as bad." (6.42)

Has it ever occurred to the Inquisitor that the power of the Church might be corrupt as well?