Schindler's List Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Schindler's List? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Besides the little girl's red dress, what's the only other piece of color in the bulk of the movie?

A lit candle.
A rose in Schindler's label
The blood on the streets of the ghetto.
Goeth's blue eyes.
Q. What is the road to the camp paved with?

Stones from the Jewish quarter.
Melted down Jewish artifacts.
Cobblestones made in Schindler's factory.
Gravestones from the Jewish cemetery.
Q. What can always be seen on Schindler's jacket?

A fresh rose.
A Polish flag pin.
A swastika pin.
A folded handkerchief.
Q. What's the gold ring at the end made of?

The last bit of Schindler's fortune.
Gold hidden from the Nazis throughout the war.
A gold tooth of one of the workers.
Goeth's wedding ring.
Q. What does the use of black-and-white convey in this film?

A sense of the past.
Hitler's madness.
The ultimately doomed Jews.