Schindler's List Quiz Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around Schindler's List? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why does Helen Hirsch say that Goeth was beating her?

She threw away the bones, and asked why he was beating her.
She failed to give the proper tools to the boy for cleaning the stains from Goeth's bathtub.
She complained about the foundation of the barracks.
Goeth thinks she's trying to seduce him.
Q. What do the Jewish investors object to in their deal with Schindler?

Schindler refuses to help them escape from the Krakow ghetto.
They don't get any of the profits from the factory.
They're sharing a room with people they don't know.
They don't want to do business with Germans.
Q. Why does Goeth order the engineer to be shot?

He wants to set an example for Helen, who's watching nearby.
He abhors an educated Jew.
The guards are being easy on her because she's a girl.
She's arguing with the guards. It doesn't matter if she's right.
Q. Why does the Gestapo warn Oskar not to get involved with Jewish women?

They all have contagious diseases.
They have no future.
They'll kill you when you least expect it.
They'll demand expensive jewelry.
Q. Why does Schindler break down before he flees?

He feels like he hasn't saved enough Jews.
He spent all his money, and is now destitute.
His car won't start.
He doesn't want to be captured by the advancing Soviet Army.