Seedfolks Time Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

The sidewalk was completely empty. It was Sunday, early in April. An icy wind teetered trash cans and turned my cheeks to marble. In Vietnam we had no weather like that. Here in Cleveland people call it spring. (1.4)

Even though Seedfolks starts off in the spring, it sure is cold outside. And it looks like Kim isn't a fan. What do you think of the way she describes her cheeks turning to "marble"? Pretty poetic, huh?

Quote #2

I took out my spoon and began to dig. The snow had melted, but the ground was hard. (1.6)

Cold weather = tough luck with gardening. Kim is the first one to try her hand at planting lima beans in the vacant lot, and the ground is not giving in easily.

Quote #3

"Some kind of beans." I grew up on a little farm in Kentucky. "But she planted 'em way too early. She's lucky those seeds even came up." […]

You don't plant beans till the weather's hot. (3.7, 11)

Wendell knows all about growing beans. And if there's one thing he knows for sure it's that timing is everything. Looks like Kim is lucky that her beans grew despite the cold weather, since she really should have planted them in the summer. Thanks for the tip, Wendell!