Seedfolks Death Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I thought about how my mother and sisters remembered my father, how they knew his face from every angle and held in their fingers the feel of his hands. I had no such memories to cry over. I'd been born eight months after he'd died. Worse, he had no memories of me. When his spirit hovered over our altar, did it even know who I was? (1.6)

Kim never got to meet her dad. In fact, her whole story is about dealing with her dad's death and trying to find a way to connect with him. So right from the get-go, we know that death is going to be a major player in Seedfolks.

Quote #2

All his life in Vietnam my father had been a farmer. Here our apartment house had no yard. But in that vacant lot he would see me. He would watch my beans break ground and spread, and would notice with pleasure their pods growing plump. He would see my patience and my hard work. I would show him that I could raise plants, as he had. I would show him that I was his daughter. (1.7)

Kim wants to connect with her dad, and she's decided that growing lima beans is a good way to keep his spirit alive. Why do you think growing lima beans help Kim feel closer to her dad?

Quote #3

My phone doesn't ring much, which suits me fine. That's how I got the news about our boy, shot dead like a dog in the street. And the world, last year, about my wife's car wreck. I can't hear a phone and not jerk inside. (3.1)

Wendell has experienced some tough stuff in his life. Has Wendell healed from these losses? What gives you clues that he's still struggling, or that he's finding a way to move forward?