Sense and Sensibility Competition Quotes

How we cite our quotes: Citations follow this format: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

When the note was shewn to Elinor, as it was within ten minutes after its arrival, it gave her, for the first time, some share in the expectations of Lucy; for such a mark of uncommon kindness, vouchsafed on so short an acquaintance, seemed to declare that the good-will towards her arose from something more than merely malice against herself, and might be brought, by time and address, to do everything that Lucy wished. Her flattery had already subdued the pride of Lady Middleton, and made an entry into the close heart of Mrs. John Dashwood; and these were effects that laid open the probability of greater. (36.26)

Uh oh… Elinor starts to worry that perhaps Lucy might be right – it looks like her cunning ways are winning over the Ferrars. Is it possible that wedding bells are in the near future for Lucy and Edward?

Quote #11

Edward made no answer; but when she had turned away her head, gave her a look so serious, so earnest, so uncheerful, as seemed to say, that he might hereafter wish the distance between the parsonage and the mansion-house much greater. (40.16)

This is a rather odd reaction to the news that someone (namely Colonel Brandon) has come along out of the blue and saved one's future from ruin. However, it's the best reaction Edward can come up with – might he be jealous of the relationship between Elinor and the Colonel?