Shantaram Chapter 27 Summary

  • Lin works in Ghani's counterfeit passport network, creating new identities for himself on the side.
  • On a break from his "business trips," he visits the slum and sees how Johnny and Prabaker's wedding preparations are coming along.
  • He rides out to the movie studios and meets with Lisa there. They talk about Maurizio, who hasn't given the girls any more trouble, but Lisa says she's worried about Ulla.
  • They are interrupted by Chandra Mehta, the movie producer, who asks Lin to hook up a friend with some black-market dollars.
  • Afterward, Lin is dragged into the movie scene to fill in as an extra.
  • At the end of the day, Lin and Lisa ride back into town on the motorcycle. He drops her off, but a couple of hours later she calls and asks him to come right away because she has killed Maurizio.
  • Lin rushes over to the girls' apartment.