Shantaram Part 3, Chapter 17 Summary

  • In Khaderbhai's courtyard, Abdul Ghani philosophizes to Lin about power and evil. They are waiting for Khaderbhai to come back from praying with Tariq.
  • Abdul Ghani says that Khaderbhai knows the meaning of life and will tell Lin if he sticks around (score).
  • Khaderbhai comes back and thanks Lin for taking care of Tariq for three months. Lin is sad to leave the kid behind.
  • Lin walks home and witnesses a bad accident. A car hits a pushcart. He cuts the pushcart operator free from the wreckage.
  • Meanwhile, a mob forms to attack the driver and passenger of the offending car.
  • The crowd can't pull the huge, Nigerian driver from the car, though.
  • Lin breaks into the mob and pulls the angry men away.
  • He stands in front of the men, trying to protect them, and is rewarded with even more rage.
  • The driver manages to start the car, and Lin jumps in with the passenger for a getaway.
  • The passenger introduces himself as Hassaan Obikwa, and the driver as Raheem.
  • Lin pressures Hassaan Obikwa to pay for the damages he's caused in the wreck, and the man says that he will tomorrow.
  • Lin gets out at the slum. Hassaan Obikwa promises to help Lin with whatever he needs, to repay him for saving his life.
  • Prabaker meets Lin, telling him that a foreigner is waiting for him in his hut.
  • It turns out to be Didier. Lin cleans himself up from the fight and the three go to get a cup of chai.
  • Didier tells them that Letitia is starting to come around to Vikram's advances. Prabaker laughs like a maniac, trying to get the attention of a cook in the kitchen, a cute girl named Parvati.
  • The guys keep gossiping, and Didier tells of how Modena and Maurizio are doing really well in their black-market business. Lin's jealous, because Maurizio was with Karla last time he saw him.
  • Lin asks Didier about Hassaan Obikwa. Didier says that his nickname is the Body Snatcher because he can make cadavers disappear without a trace.
  • A parade breaks out in the lane outside the chai shop, and Prabaker tells them that it's Joseph and Maria coming. The people are celebrating Joseph's rehabilitation, and bidding the couple bon voyage on their holiday.