Snow Crash Resources


Neal Stephenson's Website

It's kind of sparse, but it gives you an idea of what Stephenson has written.

Review of Snow Crash on

This thorough write-up gives some context for what the world was like when Snow Crash was written, and how Stephenson's inventions resonate with readers today.

How Close are We to the Metaverse?

This paper draws comparisons between the Metaverse and existing technology.

A Christian Perspective on Snow Crash

Stephenson makes a lot of, er, interesting claims about the Bible and stuff. This writer goes through and tells us how the religious material from Snow Crash measures up to what's actually in the Bible.

Movie or TV Productions

Snow Crash on the Big Screen

Because with a book this action-packed and descriptive, you know Hollywood can't keep its hands off it.

Articles and Interviews

Slashdot Readers Interview Stephenson

Read on to get Stephenson's views on being a professional writer (apparently a rare type of creature), the singularity, and what he's reading.

Stephenson's Views on the Past, Present, and Future

Lots of Stephenson's thoughts on politics, historical quirks, and so on.

A Succinct Review of Snow Crash on Slashdot

Need more convincing to read this book? Look no further.


Interview with Stephenson: Predictions and Surprises

This brief snippet touches on some of the tech from Snow Crash that didn't make it to the real world like Stephenson thought it might've.

Another Interview with Stephenson: Female Characters

In this interview, Stephenson mentions the "Y.T. effect," or the phenomenon whereby all of his post-Snow Crash female characters are held up next to Y.T. to see whether they're as good as she is. Talk about performance anxiety.

"We Are All Geeks Now": Speech by Stephenson

How has the sci-fi hero changed over time? How have we changed over time? Stephenson gives a speech reflecting on how everyone is a geek (or unashamedly passionate) about something, and that this is how society and information-transmission just work now.


Snow Crash and Other Geek Reads

This NPR segment mentions Snow Crash along with other nerdtastic novels certain to delight.

Podcast Interview with Neal Stephenson

Topics include philosophy, music, and the invention of new words.


Tumblr for Neal-Stephenson-related stuff

Lots of images—some pictures, some text blocks—from Stephenson's work.

Cool Rendition of Y.T. and Hiro

We're sad that Hiro doesn't have dreadlocks in this picture, but otherwise it's pretty darn cool.