Stardust Resources


Neil Gaiman's Stardust Webpage

Click to see all the editions of Stardust out there, with links to more of Neil's stuff in the upper bar.

Charles Vess's Website

Hop on over here to immerse yourself in the wonderful world of Vess's drawings.

Movie or TV Productions

Stardust the Movie 2007

You want an all-star cast? We're talking Michelle Pfeiffer, Rupert Everett, Claire Danes, Robert DeNiro, and Ian McKellan (okay, he's the voice of the narrator). The film's not totally faithful to the book, but it's interesting to see how exactly it brings the plot to life.

Articles and Interviews

Gaiman Writes About Writing Stardust

Want to know what Gaiman was thinking when he started writing the book? What he thought of the screenplay? Read on, dear Shmoopers.

Jo Walton's Review of Stardust at

Want to read a fantasy writer's take on Stardust? This review helps situate it in the fantasy genre.

Marie Brennan's Structural Analysis of the Plot of Stardust

Okay, if you really feel like nerding out with us, click here to read this folklore-scholar-turned-fantasy-author's interpretation of Stardust using Vladimir Propp's famous fairy-tale morphology theory.

Gaiman and Vess's comments on Stardust

Here's some good info about how the collaboration between Gaiman and Vess developed, and how the book took shape as a movie.


Trailer for the Stardust movie

Welp, they made some changes in the movie. You can probably guess a few of them just from watching the trailer.


Panel Borders Interview with Neil Gaiman

Alex Fitch talks with Gaiman about Stardust as well as the perils of packing.


Gallery of International Covers

Scroll down to see how Stardust is interpreted by different artists.

Illustration for Stardust by Charles Vess

Can you guess which scene from the book this is?

Movie Poster for Stardust

Just what it sounds like.