Sunset Limited A Little Ultraviolence Summary

  • The jailhouse story is brutal and graphic. Some fellow prisoner (Black uses the n-word) knifes Black with a switchblade while he's waiting in line at the cafeteria, just because Black told him to watch it after the guy splashed beans on him. They guy also makes some horrible remark, prompting Black to turn around.
  • The fight escalates, and Black ends up hitting this guy in the head with the leg from a table, which has a screw in it. The screw keeps sticking in the side of the dude's head as Black beats him with it.
  • White asks what the guy said, and Black refuses to say. White also complains about Black using the n-word so much, but Black says that he recalls that there were a lot of people who that word seemed to fit in prison.
  • He continues his story: The guy's friend tries to gut Black with the dropped switchblade, so Black knocks the bad dude's buddy out with the table leg. The guards almost shoot him, but Black throws down the weapon. He lost about half his blood.
  • The bad dude survives, though he has brain damage and is missing an eye. He doesn't bother Black anymore.