Sunset Limited Theme of Happiness

If anything is super clear in The Sunset Limited, it's that White isn't happy. If he was, he probably wouldn't be dressed up in his "leapin costume" ready to plunge in front of the train. Black, on the other hand, and despite the impoverished conditions he's living in, seems to be pretty happy. In trying to convince White to be more compassionate toward people, Black is also indicating a new way to be happy—he tries to pull White out of his head and get him into his heart a bit. Ultimately, though, it's a no go, and as the play ends, both men seem pretty bummed out in their own ways.

Questions About Happiness

  1. Does Black's method of living (trying to help people in need) lead to genuine happiness? How can you tell?
  2. What does the Professor have against happiness? Be specific, please.
  3. Do you think that too much knowledge leads to unhappiness—something White and Black both suggest—or can knowledge actually lead to happiness (sometimes)? Give examples to support your answer.
  4. What makes you happy? Is it comparable to what makes Black happy? What makes you unhappy? How does this measure up against White's values and habits?

Chew on This

Try on an opinion or two, start a debate, or play the devil’s advocate.

Happiness is a lie. Suffering outweighs it and the pursuit of happiness only leads to more pain and dissatisfaction.

Happiness needs pain in order to exist or make sense—without something to compare happiness to, we wouldn't know if we were really happy.