The Book of the City of Ladies Book 2, Chapters 46-50 Summary

  • To make her point about women being chaste and pure, Lady Rectitude attacks the common myth the some women want to be raped. She offers more examples of women who killed themselves either to avoid being raped or after they had been raped.
  • In one story, we hear about a group of women who feared that a bunch of marauders would rape them; so they put rotten chicken meat in their bras (yeah, you read that correctly) and drove the men away with their horrible smell.
  • Christine replies that men have shown throughout history that they're way more likely to cheat on a marriage than women are. The sad thing is that society is much more willing to tolerate promiscuity in men than in women.
  • Lady Rectitude furthers this argument by talking about the Roman Emperor Nero, who was pretty much one of the worst human beings ever. Seriously, read up on this guy and you'll totally see what she's talking about. This dude pretty much killed anyone he got bored with, including his own mother.
  • Oh yeah, and just so we know, the two emperors who came after Nero were almost just as horrible. Almost.
  • The longest story that Rectitude tells about women's constancy is the tale of Griselda. Griselda, you see, was a poor woman who was so wonderful that a rich marquis made her his wife. This dude was obsessed with testing Griselda's loyalty, though, so he took away the first two children she gave birth to and told her that he had them killed. Through all of this, Griselda simply agreed that whatever he did was for the best.
  • The marquis wasn't quite satisfied yet with Griselda's loyalty, so he pretended to divorce her and to reduce her to poverty. He also pretended to take a younger, more beautiful girl in her place. Once again, Griselda accepted everything he did with total obedience.
  • Finally, the marquis feels satisfied. He tells Griselda that he loves her and that everything has been one big test. He even brings her two children back to her. Mind you that ten years have gone by, so both children are grown up by this point. The whole thing seems really sick, but Lady Rectitude holds this story up as a positive example of women's devotion and obedience.