The Breadwinner Gender Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

"I decide what we're going to sell, not you. There's no longer any use for it, unless you're planning to go parties you haven't bothered to tell me about."

Parvana knew there was no point arguing. Ever since she had been forced out of her job, Mother's temper grew shorter every day. (2.31)

Parvana really isn't too keen on selling her shalwar kameez, but she knows she's lost the battle with Mother—her tone and sarcasm show how miserable she is since she lost her job and has been confined to the apartment. She was once a successful writer who was raising children to be educated and independent, and now that has changed—here she's grabbing for the little bit of control she can.

Quote #2

Nooria covered herself completely with her chador and scrunched herself into a small ball. Young women were sometimes stolen by soldiers. They were snatched from their homes, and their families never saw them again. (2.70)

Nooria fears the Taliban in a different way than Parvana—the soldiers do really bad things to young women that they capture, and Nooria really doesn't want to become a victim. While Parvana is still a child, Nooria is a woman, and this puts her in much more danger. Maybe Parvana is lucky to be able to hide her femininity.

Quote #3

When the Taliban first came and ordered all men to grow beards, Parvana had a hard time getting used to her father's face. He had never worn a beard before. Father had a hard time getting used to it, too. It itched a lot at first. (2.47)

Is it just us or are you getting the feeling too that the Taliban really don't like any part of the body showing? First it is the burqas and now the beards…