The Breadwinner Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. What should the role of women be in society?
  2. When is war necessary?
  3. What role does religion play in war?
  4. In times of hardship, what qualities do women possess that men do not?
  5. Can education solve all social problems?
  6. Is school the only way a person becomes educated?
  7. What are the qualities of a successful school?
  8. What constitutes a family?
  9. Why is this book told from the third-person instead of the first-person point of view? Wouldn't it be more powerful coming from Parvana's own words?
  10. If this book was turned into a movie, who would star as the characters?
  11. It's ten years from now... How have the characters changed?
  12. How has the Taliban changed U.S. opinions of people in Afghanistan?
  13. Why don't these chapters have titles? Create titles for them.