The Cay Appearances Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

There was no day or night that passed when I didn't listen for sounds from the sky. Both my sense of touch and my sense of hearing were beginning to make up for my lack of sight. I separated the sound and each became different. (18.1)

After losing his sight, Phillip has to learn to interact with the world in a whole new way. His sense of touch and hearing compensate for his loss of vision.

Quote #11

The pilot had flown away, perhaps thinking I was just another native fisherman waving at an aircraft. I knew that the color of my skin was very dark now. (18.51)

Months of exposure to the sun on the island have turned Phillip a darker color. How is this moment symbolic?

Quote #12

Maybe I won't know it by sight, but when I go ashore and close my eyes, I'll know this was our own cay. I'll walk along east beach and out to the reef. I'll go up the hill to the row of palm trees and stand by his grave. (19.44)

Phillip dreams of returning to the cay one day. How will he recognize the cay if he's never actually seen it?