The Cay Friendship Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #7

I brought water down from the hut, raised his head, and ordered him to drink it. With one hand, I found his lips and then guided the cup to his chin. He seemed to understand and gulped it down. (12.19)

While Timothy has always been a friend to Phillip, now Phillip starts to act as a friend to Timothy. In a moment of role reversal, Phillip must care for Timothy when he is struck with fever.

Quote #8

I had now been with him every moment of the day and night for two months, but I had not seen him. I remember that ugly welted face. But now, in my memory, it did not seem ugly at all. It seemed only kind and strong.

I asked, "Timothy, are you still black?"

His laughter filled the hut. (13.52-54)

Phillip's blindness allows him to cast aside his preconceived notions about Timothy and get to know him in a different way. Why does Phillip no longer think of Timothy as black? What is it about his view of Timothy that has changed?

Quote #9

I buried Timothy, placing stones at the head of the grave to mark it. I didn't know what to say over the grave. I said, "Thank you, Timothy," and then turned my face to the sky. I said, "Take care of him God, he was good to me." (16.5)

After Timothy gives his life to protect Phillip in the storm, the young boy finally realizes all that Timothy has done for him. Here he expresses his gratitude for his friend.