The Cay Man and the Natural World Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Wondering what had caused the birds to attack me, I felt around in the sand. Soon, my hand touched a warm shell. I couldn't blame the birds very much. I'd accidentally walked into their new nesting ground.

They were fighting for survival, after the storm, just as I was. (16.32-33)

The birds attack Phillip when he invades their nesting ground. How might we relate this moment to human events in the book (war, for example)?

Quote #11

Since then, I've spent many hours looking at charts of the Caribbean. I've found Roncador, Rosalind, Quito, Sueno, and Serranilla Banks; I've found Beacon Cay and North Cay, and the islands of Providencia and San Andres. I've also found the Devil's Mouth.

Someday, I'll charter a schooner out of Panama and explore the Devil's Mouth. I hope to find the lonely little island where Timothy is buried. (19.42-43)

The end of the novel shows Phillip studying maps of the Caribbean. Why does he want to return to the cay?