The Cay Violence Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #10

Timothy had been cut to ribbons by the wind, which drove the rain and tiny grains of sand before it. It had flayed his back and legs until there were very few places that weren't cut. (15.39)

Timothy sacrifices himself for Phillip in the face of the storm's unstoppable violence. Phillip notes the damage done to Timothy by the winds and sand.

Quote #11

Wondering what had caused the birds to attack me, I felt around in the sand. Soon, my hand touched a warm shell. I couldn't blame the birds very much. I'd accidentally walked into their new nesting ground.

They were fighting for survival, after the storm, just as I was. (16.32-33)

The birds attack Phillip when he invades their nesting ground. How is this moment symbolic? Can you connect this moment on the cay to the novel's backdrop of war?

Quote #12

Pain shooting up my entire arm, I lay panting on the edge of the pool and gingerly began to feel my wrist. It was bleeding, but not badly. But the teeth had sunk in deep. (17.19)

Phillip searches a hole for lobster and gets bitten by a moray eel. What does this teach Phillip (aside from the obvious: getting bitten stinks)? Why doesn't he ever go back to the hole again?