The Da Vinci Code Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Da Vinci Code? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. "This symbol is one of the most powerful images you will see this term. Formally known as a pentagram – or pentacle, as the ancients called it – this symbol is considered both divine and magical by many cultures. Can anyone tell me why that might be?"

Professor Charles Xavier
Professor Robert Langdon
Sir Leigh Teabing
Professor Abraham Von Helsing
Q. "That's strange, because my grandfather always told me the Rose meant secrecy."

Captain Bezu Fache
Christine Daaé
Bette Midler
Sophie Neveu
Q. "Oh, heavens! You Americans are such prudes."

Sir Elton John
Sir Leigh Teabing
Sophie Neveu
Sir Ian McKellen
Q. I must purge my soul of today's sins.

Bishop Aringarosa
Robert Langdon
Silas the Monk
His Holiness the Pope
Q. "I suspect I will be retiring early."

Lt. Collet
Capt. Fache
Inspector Gadget
Inspector Clouseau