The Graduate Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: All quotations are from The Graduate.

Quote #4

MRS. BRADDOCK: What makes you think she wants to marry you?

BENJAMIN: Oh, she doesn't. To be perfectly honest, she doesn't like me.

Oh, no big deal, then. Ben's smitten with Elaine and determined to marry her despite this minor obstacle. He loves her and he's convinced that this will win her over in the end. Is love really this powerful?

Quote #5

BENJAMIN [pounding on glass on second floor of church]: ELAINE!!! ELAINE!!!


This is the moment when Ben and Elaine really affirm their love for each other, in the uber-dramatic process of scuttling Elaine's wedding. On the other hand, can this really be love? Could it be just a need to rebel against their parents?

Quote #6

MRS. ROBINSON: Elaine—it's too late.

ELAINE: Not for me!

It's "too late" for Mrs. Robinson, because she lost her chance to find love and live the life she wanted to live. It's pretty tragic. But Elaine still has that opportunity available to her. Why would Mrs. Robinson want to deny her daughter happiness by making her marry Carl in the first place?