The Maltese Falcon Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Maltese Falcon? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. How did Spade figure out where to find Cairo?

Spade was tailing Cairo all day
Cairo accidentally let it slip during their conversation
Ticket stub for opera
Lucky guess
Q. Where did Spade find the missing piece of paper from newspaper with the shipping information for La Paloma?

In the drawer of the bedside table.
In Cairo's coat pocket.
In the waste basket.
Inside a book.
Q. How does Spade know that Brigid's story about her missing sister wasn't true?

He has a file on Brigid that said she had no sister.
Brigid paid him too much money.
Spade is a mind-reader.
Spade asks the police for more information on Brigid's background.
Q. How does Spade verify that Gutman's story about the Maltese falcon was true?

Spade goes to the library to do research on the ancient history of Malta.
Spade tells Effie to ask her brother (who's a historian) to confirm the story.
Gutman provides historical documentation proving the authenticity of the falcon.
Spade just assumes it has to be real if everyone's willing to kill to get it.
Q. How does Gutman verify that the Maltese falcon is authentic?

He examines the bird with a magnifying glass to find cracks.
He scratches a part of the black enamel to see if the bird is gold underneath.
He weighs the bird on a scale to make sure it's not hollow on the inside.
He cleans the bird with hot water to wipe away excess dirt.