The Maltese Falcon Quizzes

Think you’ve got your head wrapped around The Maltese Falcon? Put your knowledge to the test. Good luck — the Stickman is counting on you!
Q. Why is Gutman willing to travel halfway across the world to get his hands on the Maltese falcon?

He thinks it would look great on his mantelpiece.
He is overcome with greed and obsessed with the idea of possessing it for himself, at whatever cost.
He's an amateur archeologist and wants to add it to his collection of historical finds.
The falcon carries a childhood significance for him.
Q. What does the falcon represent to Brigid?

Power and Wealth
Q. Why is it significant that the falcon turns out to be a fake?

Because it means that the chase is still on.
Because it shows that human greed is a corrupting force that destroys all possibility of happiness
Because it shows that beauty is transient.
Because it reveals that there was never a Maltese falcon to begin with.
Q. Why does Spade want to get the falcon before Gutman?

He thinks it would look better on his mantelpiece.
He needs it as a bargaining chip to get the upper hand against Gutman
He wants to sell the bird to get more money than Gutman is offering him.
He needs to give the bird to the police as evidence.
Q. What has falconry traditionally symbolized?

Ruthlessness, expertise, and evil
Kindness and compassion
Fear and bravery
Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness