Science Quotes in The Martian

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

Half the people who studied botany were hippies [...] I didn't like them. I've always been in it for the science. (2.35)

Though he once hated them, Mark acts a lot like those hippies during his time on Mars. He composts—his own poop. He recycles—his own urine. He even uses solar energy. Going green has never felt so good!

Quote #2

"Naturally," Teddy said. "Astronauts are inherently insane. And really noble." (6.197)

Mark and co. fly in the face of popular stereotypes of scientists. They don't spend their days in front of computers. They don't spend their nights tinkering in labs. They go on adventures.

Quote #3

But I do have a free source of heat: me. A couple million years of evolution gave me "warm-blooded" technology. (7.19)

Sometimes, the best scientific solution to a given problem is to simply use what Mother Nature gave us. After all, our bodies are finely-tuned pieces of technology that took hundreds of thousands of R&D to perfect. That sure beats the pants of an iPhone.