Science Quotes in The Martian

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #4

At first, I figured it was my duty [...] But then it started to get fun. Now, as I drive, I look forward to that simple act of bagging rocks. (10.8)

You know you're a science nerd when you can have fun picking up rocks. After having more brushes with death than he can count, Mark takes comfort in something as simple and as logical as geology. It must be a relief to simply be a scientist again.

Quote #5

"Mark Watney's [...] prolonged mission and fight for survival are giving us more knowledge about Mars then the rest of the Ares program combined." (15.138)

Mark's brand of science is all about getting your hands dirty. There are many times when it's important to do things by the book, weighing your decisions and taking calculated risks. This isn't one of those times. That being said, everybody should take comfort in the fact that they're going to know a lot more about Mars when this thing is over.

Quote #6

"If this becomes a negotiation by diplomats, it will never be resolved. We need to keep this among scientists." (16.49)

Science for the win! We don't know about you, but our hearts were warmed by the bond between NASA and the CNSA (China National Space Administration). Scientists are logical people, so they're much more concerned with getting things done than silly things like nationality or political allegiance.