Isolation Quotes in The Ocean at the End of the Lane

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I do not remember ever asking any of the other children in my class at school why they had not come to my party. I did not need to ask them. They were not my friends, after all. They were just the people I went to school with. I made friends slowly, when I made them. (1.9)

This is so sad. Can you imagine having no one show up to your birthday, and then shrugging it off because you had kinda expected it? It must be an incredibly lonely existence for the little boy.

Quote #2

I lay on the bed and lost myself in the stories. I liked that. Books were safer than other people anyway. (1.4)

It makes you wonder what other people have done to him, at the age of seven, to make him write them off entirely already. There's nothing like getting lost in a good book, but there's got to be some times when a good conversation is just as satisfying.

Quote #3

The kitten was affectionate and interested and a good companion for someone whose seventh birthday party had consisted of a table with iced biscuits and a blancmange and cake and fifteen empty folding chairs. (1.8)

Yes, a kitten is a good companion for someone who can't find a human one, but it sure can't serve as a replacement. Yeesh—poor kid.