The Quiet American Questions

Bring on the tough stuff - there’s not just one right answer.

  1. How are religion and politics intertwined in The Quiet American?
  2. Does Fowler really want to be killed as he says?
  3. The Quiet American presents the idea that you must take sides to remain human? What does this mean? Do you agree with it? Why or why not?
  4. What might Graham Greene have to say about contemporary attempts to spread democracy in the Middle East and elsewhere?
  5. Does Pyle accurately represent American interventionism?
  6. How do language barriers affect the characters' behavior and decisions?
  7. Pyle talks a reasonable amount, so why do people call him quiet?
  8. What all does Thomas Fowler dislike about American culture?
  9. Really, can you picture anyone besides Michael Caine playing Thomas Fowler?
  10. How would this story be different if we replaced Alden Pyle with Jack Ryan (from the Tom Clancy books)? Or Thomas Fowler with Captain America?