The Red Pyramid Theme of Revenge

Dude, what is up with ancient Egyptian gods and revenge?

In The Red Pyramid, it's like they get stuck in these cycles of "you hit me, so I'll hit you back"—but, like, for centuries at a time. Very mature of them, wouldn't you agree? Maybe everyone just needs to take a chill pill or do a guided meditation or something like that in order to let go of all these grudges that have been accumulating for millennia. It seems to us that if they keep going with this "eye for an eye" retribution agenda, they'll run out of eyes to poke out. And Horus is already down one.

Questions About Revenge

  1. Who do you think has the most extreme desire for revenge in the book? Why?
  2. How does "an eye for an eye, and the whole world goes blind" apply to the characters' actions in the book?
  3. Does the idea of revenge seem more closely tied to order or chaos? Why?
  4. How do Sadie and Carter respond to the gods' notions of vengeance?