Sacrifice Quotes in The Red Pyramid

How we cite our quotes: (Chapter.Paragraph)

Quote #1

I'd known what was coming ever since Anubis asked me that impossible question: "To save the world, would you sacrifice your father?" (39.80)

Spoiler alert: Sadie and Carter must honor their father's choice to sacrifice his life in order to fully merge with Osiris. This gets at the deeper issue of how sacrifice may be one person's choice, but it impacts lots of other people.

Quote #2

"Your mother foresaw a great imbalance… I knew in my heart she was right, but I refused to believe… and your parents took it upon themselves to act. They sacrificed themselves trying to put things right, because I was too stubborn to change." (28.26)

Iskandar realizes that his rigid policies cost Julius and Ruby Kane their lives, which stinks. But with their sacrifice comes the hope for change, for a better way of preventing chaos from taking over, so at least their sacrifice brings optimism for the future. Is it worth it?

Quote #3

"And, Sadie Kane, you are right. You have lost too much. Your family has suffered. I know what that is like… I gave up my happiness, my wife—I took on the curse of Ra so that my children could be born." (31.60)

Geb reminds Sadie that she's not the only one who's experienced sacrifice and loss. To him, though, it's worth it. He loves his children. So even though his and Nut's sacrifice didn't exactly end happily, he has no regrets.