The Revenger's Tragedy Resources


Mad About Masques

Want to know more about the fancy court costume parties called masques (like the one at the end of the play)? This site is here to help. Not quite so many deaths in the normal version…

Memento Mori

Think The Revenger's Tragedy is morbid? Take a look at some of the art in this tradition—you ain't seen nothing yet.

Another Memento

We just think this guy is too creepy and cool not to include.

Movie or TV Productions

Christopher Eccleston as Vindice

There's no way the film version of the play isn't on the R-rated side, so consider yourself warned. Fun fact: It's a modernized version of the original play.

Articles and Interviews

Revenge Tragedy Recently

Revenge tragedies have been all the rage on the 21st century stage, and here's an article to prove it. Warning: Some of what's described in this article is almost as violent and over the top as The Revenger's Tragedy itself.

Go Team

Ever heard rumors that Shakespeare didn't work alone? Well, Oxford scholars think our playwright, Thomas Middleton, just may have played Robin to Shakespeare's Batman.


Shmoop Gets Revenge… Er, We Mean Talks About Revenge

For a Shmoopy take on revenge in Shakespeare, see this link. How much of it applies to The Revenger's Tragedy, too? You decide.


More Where That Came From

Do you think The Revenger's Tragedy just might be making fun of the revenge tragedy genre? If you do, you're not alone. Check out this podcast to explore this possibility, as well as learn about other works in the genre.

Masque Music

Want to know what all those revengers are dancing to? It might have been something like this music from the era. That's some crazy harpsichord.


By the Same Author

Here's the cover page for another of Middleton's works

Get Your Creep On with Hans Holbein

Can't you see the characters in Revenger's Tragedy hanging these on their walls? We can.