The Seagull Act 3 Summary

  • We're in Sorin's dining room. Suitcases are piled up—someone's getting ready to leave.
  • Trigorin and Masha are talking and drinking. Masha confesses that she still loves Konstantin but plans to marry Medvedenko. She thinks marriage will cure her hopeless love.
  • Nina enters; a moment with Trigorin. She gives him a present: a medallion inscribed with his initials and some pertinent quote from one of his novels.
  • Arkadina interrupts their sweet moment. She really can't stand when the two of them are alone together.
  • Sorin wants to go to Moscow with Arkadina and Trigorin. Arkadina dissuades him.
  • Trigorin exits, looking for the book Nina referenced. Sorin and Arkadina have a conversation about Konstantin. He's tried to kill himself.
  • Perhaps if you gave him a little money, suggests Sorin. No way, replies the stingy actress.
  • Medvedenko and Konstantin enter. Medvedenko takes Sorin out.
  • Arkadina changes the bandage on Konstantin's head. It's a very tender mother-son exchange until the subject of Trigorin comes up.
  • Konstantin calls the guy a hack; Arkadina says he's just jealous. It gets pretty ugly and Konstantin starts crying. He's depressed at losing Nina.
  • Trigorin returns: he's found the quote. Nina has written to him, "If you ever need my life, come take it." He wants to stay. He wants to be with Nina. He begs Arkadina.
  • Furious and hurt, she nevertheless figures out how to keep him with her instead. She flatters him into submission (as if Nina hadn't flattered him enough).
  • The carriage arrives to take them to the train station. Goodbyes are said; Arkadina tips the cook and servants a measly dollar; Paulina cries.
  • Everyone goes out but then Trigorin reenters. He has forgotten his walking stick. And who is there but Nina!
  • They arrange to meet in Moscow.