The Seagull Love Quotes

How we cite our quotes: (Act.Line)

Quote #1

Masha: I know you love me; I'm touched. I just don't love you back, that's all. (1.8)

In this early scene, Masha's response to Medvedenko is casual and matter-of-fact; but as the play goes on, her involvement in an unhappy love triangle causes her more and more pain. She drinks more, smokes more, and abandons her baby.

Quote #2

Konstantin: It's her! Oh, I can't live without her! Even the sound of her footsteps is perfect! I'm so happy I'm out of my mind! (1.34)

Konstantin is at his happiest in this moment—just before the failed premiere of his play begins to turn Nina against him. Poor guy.

Quote #3

Nina: But nothing happens in your play! It's all one long speech. And I think a play ought to have a love story. (1.66)

Here's Chekhov with a little gentle self-mockery for the lack of action in his own plays. Although nobody could accuse him of leaving out the love.