The Shining Questions

Bring on the tough stuff. There’s not just one right answer.

  1. At what point do you think Jack goes truly "bad" in this movie? Was he bad even before he got to the Overlook? Why or why not?
  2. Why do you think Wendy stays with Jack even though he's constantly short with her?
  3. What do you think really happened in room 237?
  4. What symbolism can we find in the blood splashing out of the elevator? You know, apart from violence in general?
  5. Why does the Overlook Hotel drive Jack nuts? Or was he nuts before he even arrived? How do you know?
  6. What are some of the things in the history of the Overlook Hotel that hint toward the fact that bad things are going to happen? Do you think these past events still have an effect on the place?
  7. When did Danny first start talking to Tony? What traumatic events in his life might have led to this new "friendship"?