Mohandas K. Gandhi Timeline and Summary


Mohandas K. Gandhi Timeline and Summary

  • Gandhi is born on October 2, 1869.
  • He's influenced by his religiously tolerant father and devout mother.
  • At age 13, he's married to Kasturbai in a child marriage chosen by their parents.
  • Once his father dies, he goes to England to study law, which gets him kicked out of his caste.
  • He becomes a vegetarian for ethical reasons after reading A Plea for Vegetarianism.
  • He goes to South Africa to work with a law firm.
  • He fights for Indians' rights in South Africa.
  • He takes the brahmacharya vow of chastity.
  • Gandhi leads an Indian ambulance corps in the Boer War.
  • He returns to India and fights for Indian rights there.
  • He forms an Indian volunteer corps for the Great War in England.
  • He continues fighting for Indian rights in India.